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New Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks Container

Regular price
5.24 dh
Regular price
5.24 dh
Sale price
5.24 dh

Shipping & Returns

Free shipping and returns available on all orders!
We ship all US domestic orders within 5-10 business days!


Running Shoes cushions your stride with soft foam to keep you running in comfort. Lightweight knit material wraps your foot in breathable support, while a minimalist design fits in just about anywhere your day takes you.


Care Instructions

Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

New Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks ContainerNew Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks ContainerNew Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks ContainerNew Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks ContainerNew Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks ContainerNew Baby Milk Powder Portable Baby Food Storage Box Essential Cereal Infant Milk Powder Box Toddle Snacks Container5074983075870350749830791471507498308242395074983085700750749830889775


Brand Name: macroupta

Origin: Mainland China

Model Number: Y002

Age Range: 0-6m

Age Range: 7-12m

Age Range: 13-24m

Age Range: 25-36m

Age Range: 4-6y

Material: PP

Choice: yes

L: Capacity 800ML, 350g milk powder
S: Capacity 400ML, 180g milk powder
Spoon filled milk powder 5g

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